Who is this witch?
Hello. My name is Michael. I used to go by a different name on a different blog that I created 12 years ago but that name is not who I am now. I am a witch. I haven't always been a witch. Cue the timey whimey way back music..... I was born in 1968 in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. I grew up in a somewhat religious family. By that I mean my grandparents were always in church on Sunday. My parents divorced when I was 4 or 5 and my father was the one who stayed with the church back then. Our denomination was Lutheran. I followed that faith until I was on my own after high school. It wasn't like I made a grand statement revoking the church, I just stopped going. During my last couple years in high school I did look into Buddhism. It interested me because it was something different, but in the end it wasn't for me. Fast forward to the early 2000s. I have always made a point to wander into the isle of the bookstore that contained the metaphysical books. I would look at all the diffe...