
Who is this witch?

 Hello. My name is Michael. I used to go by a different name on a different blog that I created 12 years ago but that name is not who I am now. I am a witch. I haven't always been a witch.  Cue the timey whimey way back music..... I was born in 1968 in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. I grew up in a somewhat religious family. By that I mean my grandparents were always in church on Sunday. My parents divorced when I was 4 or 5 and my father was the one who stayed with the church back then. Our denomination was Lutheran. I followed that faith until I was on my own after high school. It wasn't like I made a grand statement revoking the church, I just stopped going. During my last couple years in high school I did look into Buddhism. It interested me because it was something different, but in the end it wasn't for me.  Fast forward to the early 2000s. I have always made a point to wander into the isle of the bookstore that contained the metaphysical books. I would look at all the diffe...

Bringing to Banishing: Changing a Spell

SPELLCRAFT 101: Most spells can be easily switched up to do the opposite of what they were initially intended. Example: You have a money spell that specifies bringing money to you and is normally cast on a waxing moon phase. You miss the timing and now the moon is waning. What do you do. You don't need to wait for a full month to do the spell. Just change it around. Make it a banishing spell. Banishing poverty or removing scarcity from your financial environment. Use the appropriate correspondences for banishment and removal and you have a spell that is perfect for the waning moon and still for what you were seeking. *As always, a witch needs to know how to craft a spell before a witch can cast a spell*


What is a witch? What does a witch look like? Seemingly easy questions. No so simple answers to be sure. Just as there are millions of people on this planet there are equally hundreds of "versions" of what a witch is. From Hollywood, to real life. Can you spot the real witches? How do you know there isn't one on the bus with you, flying in the same plane, eating in the booth behind you. Fact is that most of the time you won't know. Not every witch wears a pentacle or some other identifier. So what does a witch look like? This? Or this? Maybe this? You can see that a witch can and will look different from one person to the next. Hollywood created the stereotype with the Wicked Witch of the West. It is up to us to move past that and show what a witch really looks like.